These are the Highest Quality Business Calculus Tutors in California. Get Business Calculus Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
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Tutor in Corona, California
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I know calculus because I have a graduate degree in economics
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I have taken coursework in Calculus I, II, III as well as Microeconomics/Macroeconomics/Investment Strategies, Bond/Fixed Income Evaluation and Econometrics. I have a Master's Science Degree in Financial Engineering from the University of Michigan with one year experience in industry.
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I'm a sophomore at Ohio State University in the Fisher School of Business. In High School, I was a part of the National Honors Society & tutor students in math. I’ve learned up to calculus for my math courses. Math is my favorite subject & I love teaching it to other students!
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I recently just took a business calculus course this fall where I earned an A. With the information still fresh, I am excited to help out!
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I previously tutored student athletes at the University of South Carolina in Calculus as well as completing courses of the same curriculum at the university level.
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