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Adriano C

30 years old

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A self-motivated, curious, and analytical person always ready to take on new challenges.

5 years experience helping highschool and undergraduate students in their examinations. I am upfront, yet fun and considerate, allowing students to learn through a paced approach.


• 2014 - 2019 BEng Chemical Engineering (National University of Science & Technology)

My Proudest

• A was awarded the provincial overachiever's award in High School exams
• First Class degree holder in Chemical Engineering


  • University Tutoring

Chemical Engineering

First Year - Postgrad TCE

I'm a competent chemical engineering tutor in Process Dynamics & Control, Reaction Engineering, and Thermodynamics. I also have a knack for MATLAB, Aspen Plus, and CHEMCAD for process simulations.


First Year - Postgrad TCE

I've been tutoring high school and undergraduate students in physical and organic chemistry for the past 5 years.


First Year

I excelled with distinctions in my mathematics modules and I've been tutoring undergraduate students in both pure maths and statistics for almost a year now.

  • School Tutoring

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 Cambridge

I've been tutoring high school and undergraduate students in physical science (chemistry + physics) for the past 5 years.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 Cambridge

I've been tutoring high school students in chemistry for the past 5 years. I specialize in the Cambridge sylabus.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 TCE

I excelled with distinctions in my mathematics modules and I've been tutoring undergraduate students in both pure maths and statistics for almost a year now.

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