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Pedro P

48 years old

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I'm a very professional person who gives 100% of dedication to my work. I strive for perfection and also believe that nothing is impossible.

Be a teacher it was always my dream and is the opportunity to see the learners improving and become the leaders of the future.


• 1999-2003 B.A Majoring in Portuguese
• 2004-2005 B.A Majoring in World History
• 2004-2007 Teaching in Portugal
• 2008 - East Timor
• 2009-2013 S.A schools
• 2014 - Angola
• 2014-2019 S.A schools
• 2020 - Namibia

My Proudest

• Work in countries from 3 Continents (Africa, Europe and Asia)
• Got 100 % success with all students in Portuguese by the NSC and IEB


  • Language Tutoring


Beginner - Advanced

I'm a qualified Portuguese Teacher with a B.A Majoring by the Portuguese Catholic University and with the requalification by SAQA. I have already 13 years of experience as Portuguese Teacher, including 8 years in South Africa.

  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, IEB and Cambridge

I'm a very qualified Portuguese Teacher with a B.A Majoring by the Portuguese Catholic University and with the requalification by SAQA. I have already 13 years of experience as Portuguese Teacher, including 8 years in South Africa.

Reviews from others

“Excellent tutor who keeps the lessons interesting.”
- Liz
“Pedro has a lot of patience and was over all very helpful during each lesson. I enjoyed learning and studying with him. ”
- Maria
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