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Phumelelo M

Tutor in Olievenhoutbos 26, Centurion • 26 years old

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I am a graduate in Bcom Finance and enrolled for honours programme.I am a natural excellent teach and very passionate about teaching. I am currently working at Nexia SAB&T as Junior Internal Auditor.

Helping others is my innate nature. It is part of the fabric of who I am. I think it has a lot to do with how I was raised. My family(Father and Mother) always volunteered their time to helping at my local primary school by giving extra lessons. I was brought up with this value at the forefront of living, and it has been a rewarding part of my life ever since!


• 1. Graduated with Bcom Finance Degree in 2020.
• 2. Currently Working as a Junior Internal Auditor at Nexia SAB&T.
• 3. Worked as a Student Mentor at the University of Pretoria in 2019.

My Proudest

• 1. Getting a 3-year Internship at Nexia SAB&T.
• 2. I received Golden Key certificate award in 2018.
• 3. I received 3 merit achievement certificates in grade 10 and 12.


  • University Tutoring

Business Management

First Year OBS114 AND OBS 124

I found the module quite easy as I really have a passion for business courses. I passed with a distinction in first year.


First Year frk 111 and frk121

Accounting has always been one of my favorite modules since high school. I love it because it's all about understanding and following the principles.


Phumelelo will travel up to 5km from Olievenhoutbos 26, Centurion, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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