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168 Hours Tutored
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I am enthusiastic, patient and kind of unconventional. I am passionate about helping people learn, simplifying difficult concepts and seeing my students exceed their own expectations.
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
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89 Hours Tutored
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My B.Ed. focused on the diversity in our classrooms in S.A. today, supporting any learner with possible barriers to learning. I majored in English and Child & Adolescent developmental Psychology.
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
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33 Hours Tutored
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I am a passionate academic and am currently studying Electronic Engineering. I am very focused and hardworking.
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
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20 Hours Tutored
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I am a friendly, confident and calm person who enjoys reading, music and working with children and adolescents. I am naturally extroverted and I have plenty of experience with teaching.
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
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47 Hours Tutored
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I am a happy go lucky guy who wants to share the experience I've obtained throughout my life. Knowledge is power!
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
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67 Hours Tutored
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I attended St. Andrews School for Girls for High School & studied at the University of Cape Town for my undergraduate and Wits university for my LLB postgraduate . I am currently doing my Articles
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
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334 Hours Tutored
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I have a great passion for learning new things & challenging myself & others to be the best that they can be. I will always give my best in any situation and will ensure that the student is on track.
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
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18 Hours Tutored
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I am a motivated, outgoing, and kind-hearted person with the desire to help those in areas where they might be struggling in. I love challenging myself and will always go the extra mile.
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
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144 Hours Tutored
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I'm a Joburg-born student, completing a PhD in Philosophy, and plan to follow a career in lecturing/academia. Both of my parents were teachers and apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
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81 Hours Tutored
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I'm a young adult who enjoys sports, music, and spending time with friends in my free time. I'm a people person and love seeing those around me happy.
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Subjects offered in Morningside