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Priya J

Tutor in Morningside, Sandton • 22 years old

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I am eager to share my knowledge with anyone wholeheartedly because I am incredibly passionate about assisting people. I aim to foster a confidence-building environment.

I do not believe in demeaning individuals who are attempting to learn. I believe that it hinders their progress. I am a patient individual who is prepared to go out of my way to assist others comprehend complex ideas.


• I attended Redhill High School
• I completed my first year studying a Bachelor of science in Biology and Chemistry
• I am currently in my third year of studying a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

My Proudest

• I received 3 distinctions in high school and I was accepted into the Golden Key Honours Society at University


  • School Tutoring

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS, IEB

I secured a high school distinction in Biology and sustained a 70% at university. My enduring passion for Biology fuels my dedication to mastering the subject.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS, IEB

Securing a grade 12 History distinction, I now major in it at Wits. My boundless passion drives my historical journey.


Grade 1 - Grade 10 IEB

I was able to increase my afrikaans mark by 30% with the use of the right research and resources. I hope to do the same for other learners.

  • University Tutoring


First Year Abnormal Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Cognitive Psychology and the brain

I'm a third-year psychology student with an 85% average this year and have consistently achieved 80% and above in my studies. I'm also a member of the Golden Key Honour Society. I’m passionate about psychology and enjoy helping students understand the subject in a simple, engaging way.


Priya will travel up to 5km from Morningside, Sandton, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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