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34 Hours Tutored
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I am a knowledge seeker and an enthusiastic learner. I jump at any chance that might lead to gaining further insight, be it practical and real-world, or academic.
Tutor in Vredehoek, Cape Town
Tutor in Vredehoek, Cape Town
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13 Hours Tutored
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I’m patient, a good listener and understand children. I’m a natural academic and believe I can help any child succeed.
Tutor in Vredehoek, Cape Town
Tutor in Vredehoek, Cape Town
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38 Hours Tutored
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I am an elderly outstanding teacher and tutor with knowledge to share. As a mother I have lots of patience as well as love for people; children is truly my passion.
Tutor in Vredehoek, Cape Town
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140 Hours Tutored
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I'm Shadi, recent Capetonian! I am really passionate about English literature and the teaching of it, and am currently completing my masters in English Education and Linguistics at UCT.
Tutor in Vredehoek, Cape Town
Tutor in Vredehoek, Cape Town
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I am a final-year PhD candidate in Physical Oceanography at UCT. I am simply a kind and happy person, passionate about helping build the student's confidence in maths and/or physics.
Tutor in Vredehoek, Cape Town
Tutor in Vredehoek, Cape Town
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I am a passionate, bright and bubbly young woman. I love interacting with people of all ages and can talk for hours if left unattended.
Tutor in Vredehoek, Cape Town
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54 Hours Tutored
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I have studied Music (Jazz Performance) and Civil Engineering at UCT, I am a diverse individual and willing to give my best to impart my knowledge in the friendliest and clearest of ways!
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Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
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2320 Hours Tutored
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I'm a highly motivated tutor who loves to inspire young minds. Join me on a journey of discovery and let's unlock your full potential together.
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
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1781 Hours Tutored
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I studied Chemical engineering at the University of Capetown. I love interacting with different people from different parts of the world. I love music and l am also a professional pianist
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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1225 Hours Tutored
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I am a hardworking, outgoing person that prioritises holistic living; everyone needs a good balance of work and fun. In my free time, I enjoy exploring my city and creating long-lasting memories.
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