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I'm often described as sweet, kind and friendly. I love interacting with people, learning about and seeing new things.
I am a great tutor because I passionately enjoy explaining concepts which I understand to others. I like to encourage students to ask questions until they understand the content that we are working through. My approach is to work patiently and calmly with the client at a pace that works best for them.
• Completed a BSc in Biological Sciences at Wits
• Currently doing my MBBCH5 (5th year of medicine) at Wits
My Proudest
• Entrance into GEMP (entrance into medicine from third year).
• Completed a Bachelor of Science degree with great marks throughout.
Life Sciences (Biology)
Grade 1 - Grade 12Biology was always my favourite subject in high school and I got distinctions for biology throughout high school. I also had to do 1st year biology in university on my path to studying medicine.
Grade 1 - Grade 10Mathematics has always been an interesting subject for me. I also took a Mathematics and Statistics course in my first year of university and passed with 75%.
Grade 1 - Grade 10I took Chemistry as a subject from high school all the way through to my first year of university as well. I achieved great marks and would like to assist others.
Physical Science
Grade 1 - Grade 10I really enjoy Physics in school and also pursued a Physics course in 1st year as well. Mechanics is my favourite section of the Physics curriculum.
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCI matriculated with 85% for Economics and enjoyed the content. I found that the concepts taught in Economics were straight forward, and I would like to help others excel.
First YearBiology was always my favourite subject in high school and I got distinctions for biology throughout high school. I also had to do 1st year biology in university on my path to studying medicine.
First Year - Third YearPhysiology was my favourite course in university. Studying the physiology of human bodies was one of the things that drew me to studying medicine. I can also teach and explain physiology very well.
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