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I am a medical student who is passionate about learning and the future of our country. I want to do all that I can to provide others with greater opportunities for success.
I am going into a helping profession and have led in various bodies throughout high school and University. I have a good understanding of learning techniques and am a confident and assured relationship-maker. I can explain concepts well. I always see the potential in people and I have a passion to see people reach it.
• 2016-2018 - Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Cape Town
My Proudest
• Deputy Head Boy and Dux Scholar at my high school.
• Member of the 'Most Outstanding Undergraduate Faculty Council'.
• Deputy head of Research for SHAWCO Health.
Grade 1 - Grade 10 IEBI excelled in Maths at High School level, with a mid-90s exit mark. I also did AP Maths, finishing with a 71 percent mark. I enjoy Maths, and love teaching it too.
Physical Science
Grade 1 - Grade 10 IEBI excelled at both Chemistry and Physics in High School, achieving a 90 percent average in matric.
Life Sciences (Biology)
Grade 1 - Grade 10 IEBBiology has always been a passion and strong suit of mine. I am studying medicine so I have a wealth of extra experience in the biological sciences. I achieved 89% in matric.
Regan will travel up to 15km from Newlands, Cape Town, Western Cape to you.
Approximate location and area of coverage.
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