Are you in your final year of school and planning to attend college or university next year? Many institutions hold open days or campus tours, where interested students are invited to see the college before they choose to apply. Choosing to visit the college or university that you plan to spend the next 3 or 4 years at is a smart choice. When you visit an institution, you will be able to decide if it is a place you want to study. You will also be able to ask any questions you may have about the institution. Wondering how to make the most out of university open days? This is for you!
What you can expect at an open day will vary. It largely depends on the college or university, the courses offered, and how many students are at the open days. University open days are designed to help you find out whether a college or university is the right one for you. You will be given opportunities to explore the facilities and study options available.
This is what you can expect at most university open days:
This is a very personal decision and it is one you should make based on your own list of colleges and universities you want to attend. Don’t simply visit the institutions that your friends or partner plan to attend.
Here are some things to consider before attending an open day:
Here’s how you can best prepare yourself before attending a university open day:
Here’s a list of what you should bring along with you to the open day:
Don’t rush from one visit to the next. Instead, take some time to reflect on what you learned while you were at the open day. Plan on popping to a nearby coffee shop after the open day and chat about your experience with your parents.
Consider what you saw and heard during your visit and ask yourself if you can imagine studying there for the next 3 (or more) years. Can you see yourself revising and finishing assignments in the study areas?
Did the location and atmosphere feel like a good fit for you? Do you think you would be happy there? Would you feel comfortable in the town or city that the university is located in? What are the food prices like on campus and in the surrounding areas? How far apart are the necessities from where you will live?
If you haven’t done so yet, find student reviews and see what other students think about the university. What is the student support like?
And finally, if you weren’t able to get answers to all your questions, make contact with the university by call or email. You might want to book in another visit if you couldn’t see everything at the open day or if there is something you aren’t sure about.
Starting university can be an exciting step in one’s life; for others, it can be a scary and stressful transition from high school into the unknown.
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