Highest Quality Life Orientation Tutors in Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp. Get Life Orientation Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
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Tutor in Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp
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I am a very driven person who believes that every child has the potential to achieve greatness and when the correct tools are being given to them they are able to use their strengths to grow and see their weaknesses as an opportunity, not an inconvenience.
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Tutor in Discovery, Roodepoort
36 Hours Tutored
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I have studied Life Orientation at university for my teaching degree.
Tutor in Krugersdorp North, Krugersdorp
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98 Hours Tutored
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Life Orientation has always been a strong point in my schooling career. I enjoy the subject and have the knowledge to teach it to others.
Tutor in Helderkruin, Roodepoort
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470 Hours Tutored
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I have a Law background so I am very passionate about helping and empowering people.
Tutor in Allen's Nek, Roodepoort
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344 Hours Tutored
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I bring a solid understanding of essential skills and knowledge, making the subject engaging and relevant with real-life examples. Let’s unlock your potential together and make learning both fun and practical.
Tutor in Discovery, Roodepoort
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36 Hours Tutored
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Life Orientation can be easy and fun if taught in a way that makes it so.I have a passion and love for life and living it to the fullest, through means discussed in this subject. I achieved an 'A' for this subject in Matric.
Tutor in Helderkruin, Roodepoort
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228 Hours Tutored
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I understand the importance of this subject as it builds the important skills needed for a student to cope. I was involved in projects that required these skills and knowledge. This involved volunteering and self-building.
Tutor in Ferndale, Randburg
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128 Hours Tutored
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I have experience tutoring LO and I received a distinction; I would love to help other students achieve the same results. I believe it teaches great skills that we can one day use and apply in our everyday lives, therefore I am a good tutor as I can pick out these skills and help apply them.
Tutor in Strubens Valley, Johannesburg
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303 Hours Tutored
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Life Orientation is where students learn about the world. I have a exercise book that allows students to engage with concepts that is needed for everyday use.
Tutor in West Village, Krugersdorp
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This subject prepared me for the life that I had ahead of me. I learned all about health, the different cultures and religions what to expect and how to make informed decisions about various things like career choices.
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