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Anna M

23 years old

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I'm an amiable, positive, and hard-working individual. I enjoy both working with people and helping others, seeking opportunities, and living life to the full through engagement in new challenges.

I'm both patient and understanding when it comes to learning. I want to provide you with both confidence and encouragement to learn to the best of your ability with realistic goals and expectations. I believe that it's important to remember that everyone has different learning styles and needs. I will do my best to adapt my methods so they will best suit you and what you require for your learning.


• Part-Time Lecturer : University of Stellenbosch (current)
• BA Honours : Teaching French as a Foreign Language (2023)
• Part-Time French Teacher : ISCT (2023)
• French Tutor : University of Cape Town (2023)

My Proudest

• Graduated with Distinction in Portuguese (2022)
• Humanities Faculty Dean's Merit List: Academic Excellence (2022)
• Awarded the school prize for highest French mark in Matric (2019)


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS, Cambridge (AS Level)

With a passion for languages, I've dedicated myself to honing my skills. Presently, I'm lecturing at the University of Stellenbosch after pursuing an Honours degree in Teaching French as a Foreign Language, complementing my NSC, Cambridge IGCSE & AS Level, and undergraduate qualifications in French.

  • Language Tutoring


Beginner - Intermediate

With a passion for languages, I've dedicated myself to honing my skills. Presently, I'm lecturing at the University of Stellenbosch after pursuing an Honours degree in Teaching French as a Foreign Language, complementing my NSC, Cambridge IGCSE & AS Level, and undergraduate qualifications in French.

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