A UCT Law graduate with a passion for French, History and English. My convictions are reflected by my strong academic record and dedication to tutoring for the last 4 years.
- tutored students of various ages (grade 8 to 12) - I have received positive feedback from all my students - I was selected as a Law Mentor at UCT due to my ability to help younger students - I am friendly and easy-going - I send feedback and am available outside of class for feedback or help - I prepare for lessons beforehand to ensure the lesson is productive and most effective
• Grade 7-10: at Kingsmead College (IEB)
• Grade 11-12: AS Level and A-Level (CIE) at St. John’s college
• 2021 to date: Law (LLB) student at UCT
My Proudest
• UCT Law Graduate (2024)
• 88% average for A Level exams (92%: History; 91%: English; 85%: French (AS); 86%: English (AS))
• Acceptance at UCL, King’s College London & Edinburgh University.
• Grade 7 ABRSM Piano
• 89% for the WCVE Eisteddfod (2024)
• Debater and public speaker
Grade 1 - Grade 12 CambridgeI have published poetry, short stories and essays. I was accepted in King’s College London, UCL, and Edinburgh University for English. My passion for English reflects in my marks and I got the highest mark in my grade in both grade 11 and 12.
Grade 1 - Grade 12 CambridgeI received a distinction at A-Levels and at AS level. I have numerous past papers for the IEB and Cambridge syllabi and cover oral, comprehension, literature and essay skills. I have tutored French for nearly 4 years and have received ubiquitous satisfaction from my students.
Grade 1 - Grade 12 CambridgeI received a distinction for History with a consistent distinction average through AS level and A level as well as a Cambridge Outstanding Learn Award. I am both familiar with the IEB and A-Level syllabi. I provide essential tips for obtaining high marks and to know what the examiners look for.
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