These are the Highest Quality Trigonometry Tutors in Greencastle. Get Trigonometry Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
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Tutor in Greencastle, Pennsylvania
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I have experience teaching middle and high school level mathematics. I have tutored high school level students and as a full-time teacher, I have taught one course in mathematics and served as an intervention specialist in mathematics. I have also taken college-level calculus and statistics.
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Trigonometry is crucial for understanding Calculus and other core mathematics further down the line. I can teach concepts related to SOHCAHTOA (trig functions), right triangles, trigonometric identities and special angles . I can also teach different graphs of sin(x), cos(x), and tan(x).
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I am proficient in fields such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus, with further knowledge on multivariable calculus and linear algebra! I present material in an organized and intuitive manner, focusing on the bigger picture concepts in addition to the math.
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I have a first-class Bachelor's degree in mathematics from Imperial College London. I also took the Part III of the Mathematical Tripos course, which is a world-renowned graduate course at the University of Cambridge. I also have a Ph.D. in physics.
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Having taken all levels of math throughout high school, I can confidently tutor any level of math ranging from basic elementary math to pre-calculus.
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Having a strong foundation in Algebra and Geometry, I want to help others understand: the fundamental concepts of trigonometry and the overall applications of trigonometry with the rest of mathematics.
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12 Hours Tutored
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Received A+’s in all math classes taken in high school. Math in general can be both fun and annoying – I’m here to help out with practice problems and concept review so that it becomes more fun!
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I am a Math tutor at my college and I love sharing my math knowledge with others. My major is physics and I have passed all of my math and physics classes with an A. I have experience teaching/leading high K-12 students as well as tutoring college students.
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14 Hours Tutored
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I have completed all of high school math up to BC Calculus including AP Statistics. I have been a tutor in my school's Math Tutoring Center since 10th grade and recently became a leader. I am also a tutor for the organization Peer Mentor Network.
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I have over 8 years’ experience tutoring math, including trigonometry. As a physics minor, I used trig almost every day in college and know how important it is to learn the foundations (SOHCOHTOA, identities, graphical applications and more).
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