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Tutor in Olympus AH, Pretoria
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I support academics by promoting holistic growth and skill development in students for success beyond their academic journey.
Tutor in Olympus AH, Pretoria
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181 Hours Tutored
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I am A 22 year old student at the University of Pretoria studying Geological Engineering. I have a passion for people and enjoy reaching out and helping wherever I possibly can.
Tutor in Olympus AH, Pretoria
Tutor in Olympus AH, Pretoria
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34 Hours Tutored
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I'm a second year student at UP who is passionate about life, education & making a difference in life by helping others. I believe that what one plants today, one harvests later.
Tutor in Olympus AH, Pretoria
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I am a professional Business analyst. Currently working at CSIR. I have contributed to funded proposals and I am passionate for transferring my skills to others.
Tutor in Olympus AH, Pretoria
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45 Hours Tutored
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I am a 24 year old from Pretoria East who loves to share my knowledge with others. I am a fully qualified Accountant with an absolute passion for teaching.
Tutor in Olympus AH, Pretoria
36 Hours Tutored
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I am a hard working student that strives for excellence in everything I do. I am dedicated to everything that I commit to. I am reliable and responsible.
Tutor in Olympus AH, Pretoria
180 Hours Tutored
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I am a passionate, friendly and caring man who wishes to make a lasting impact.
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Tutor in Fourways, Sandton
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2336 Hours Tutored
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I believe that intelligence is my middle name. I spend most of my time working and studying. I usually spend my spare time reading self-help books or hiking with family/friends.
Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
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2745 Hours Tutored
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I am approachable, friendly, reliable, dedicated, passionate and patient. I have more than 10 years of tutoring experience (CAPS, NSC, IEB, Cambridge foundation 2 syllabus).
Tutor in Wierdapark, Centurion
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4388 Hours Tutored
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I hold a Chemical Engineering qualification with Unisa. Academically orientated, I acquired five distinctions in my Matric year. I am passionate about imparting knowledge & learning!
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