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Ashleigh A

Tutor in Riversands, Johannesburg • 29 years old

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Can tutor online

Cannot tutor in person


I am a driven, dedicated and disciplined person. I thrive on doing my best in all aspects of my academics. I know how to have a good laugh and I'm generally a friendly person.

I've been involved in teaching Sunday School for the past 4 years so I've been exposed to teaching. I have fun and creative ways to study which I am more than willing to share with others. Being a Sunday School teacher, I know different ways in which to approach explaining concepts to others.


• I obtained my Bachelors of Accounting Sciences at University of Johannesburg in 2017. I am currently studying towards my Honours in Accounting Sciences.

My Proudest

• Passing my matric and obtaining 4 Distinctions.
• Getting into university.
• Obtaining my Driver's License after failing the test a few times.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I really enjoyed the subject at school and I helped friends and classmates by explaining concepts to them and they showed signs of understanding.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I have personally found different effective ways to study the subject which I can make available for tutoring and also for better understanding.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I really enjoyed the subject at school and I helped friends and classmates by explaining the concepts to them and they showed signs of understanding.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

Afrikaans is my home language, I have developed study techniques which are effective in helping to understand the subject better.

  • University Tutoring


First Year - Postgrad ACC100, ACC200,ACC300,ACC4

I really enjoy the subject and it's one of my four majors. I have helped friends and classmates by explaining concepts to them and they showed signs of understanding when we have gone through the process of peer discussions and group projects.


First Year - Postgrad AUD300, AUD400

I really enjoy the subject and it's one of my four majors. I have helped friends and classmates by explaining concepts to them and they showed signs of understanding when we have gone through the process of peer discussions and group projects.


First Year - Postgrad TAX200, TAX300, TAX400

I really enjoy the subject and it's one of my four majors. I have helped friends and classmates by explaining concepts to them and they showed signs of understanding when we have gone through the process of peer discussions and group projects.

Financial Management

First Year - Postgrad FMA200, FMA300, FMA400

Financial Management is one of my 4 majors. It is the one that I have enjoyed the most and also the field that I am currently training in specialising in.

Reviews from others

“She was friendly and focused. On time and effecient. Overall, she was a pleasure to work with. I would most definitely recommend her.”
- Jean
“Great service. I have referred a friend to the service. ”
- Kenlynn
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