Matric Finals 2022 - Exam Dates and How to Get Your Results

4 minute read


With Matric Finals starting at the end of the month, there are lots of things to remember! You’ve already begun studying and revising, so your mind is probably already full of information. There are some really simple and practical things you shouldn't forget, such as the date for your exams!

Today we’re sharing the full calendar for your Matric Finals as well as how, when, and where to get your results.

Matric Finals Calendar

Matric Finals begin on Monday 31st October 2022 and finish on Friday 9th December 2022. The exam dates have been scheduled for the National Senior Certificate (NSC) exams and are available here.

These dates are subject to change and all updates will be provided by the Department of Education or your school.

The dates do not include written exams for Life Orientation (LO), and practical exams for Computer Application Technology (CAT), Information Technology (IT), Performing Arts, and Visual Arts and Design as these will take place earlier in 2022.

What to Expect on Exam Day

It can feel daunting not knowing what to anticipate on exam day. Here are some things you can expect as well as items not to forget to bring along:

  1. You will be expected to have read and signed the exam rules instructions.
  2. Don’t forget all the important stationery: pens, pencils, eraser, and calculator (use new batteries!). Bring your ID card or passport and exam admission letter.
  3. Expect to see a few faces you’ve never seen before, because each exam is invigilated by independently selected people who ensure that all the rules are followed.
  4. Don’t be late because you won’t be allowed in. We recommend arriving at least 30 minutes before the exam time.
  5. You will be given clear instructions for each exam, with an English instruction page included in all non-English exams.
  6. Each exam will begin with 10 minutes to read the exam paper and no writing will be allowed. Take time to read through all the instructions diligently during this time.
  7. Manage your time well, because no extra time will be given.

How to View Your Results

Once you’ve written your Matric Finals, you’ll be able to look forward to seeing your results! According to the Department of Education, the National Senior Certificate (NSC) results will be released on 20th January 2023. There are some details (such as your exam number) that you will need and should not misplace.

Take a look at the different ways you can view your results and ensure you’ve got all the necessary details:

View your results online

You can do this by visiting the Department of Education website (for South African public school students), the IEB website (for South African private school students), or the News 24 Matric Results Portal (for all South African Matriculants).

You will need to enter your exam number (don’t misplace it during school holidays), your home language, and your personal details, such as name, surname, and so on.

View your results in the newspaper

You can take a look at your Matric Finals results in local newspapers (like The Rapport, The Argus, and The Star). They will publish your exam number instead of your name as well as whether or not you have passed, along with your symbol. See below for what the symbols mean:

Level 7: 80 - 100% (Outstanding)

Level 6: 70 - 79% (Meritorious)

Level 5: 60 - 69% (Substantial)

Level 4: 50 - 59% (Moderate)

Level 3: 40 - 49% (Adequate)

Level 2: 30 - 39% (Elementary)

Level 1: 0 - 29% (Not achieved)

View your results through your school

The day after the Department of Education has released your results, they will be available through your school. Please note that this is not your Matric certificate.

View your results on your phone

Download the MatricsMate app! It’s free and will allow you to view your results as soon as they are released. Once you’ve downloaded the app, you will need to register an account. You can do this via SMS (just send your ID number and exam number to 35658) or USSD service (dial *120*35658# on release date, answer a few questions, and enter your ID number).

Revising for Matric Finals

One of the best ways to feel prepared and ready to ace your Matric Finals is to enlist the help of an experienced Tutor. Teach Me 2 Tutors have helped students like you to successfully pass their Matric Finals and obtain the results they need to get into the university of their dreams. Whether you are feeling completely unprepared or you would like to take on a few refresher sessions with a Tutor, we are here to help you!

Click here to find the perfect Tutor for you and your family!

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