Highest Quality Information Technology Tutors in Pretoria. Get Information Technology Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get an Information Technology tutorTutor in Hatfield, Pretoria
Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria
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Information Technology is my favorite subject. In addition my whole life revolves around IT as I'm a website administrator and developer for a veterinary hospital. I am currently pursuing a degree in computer engineering at the University of Pretoria
Tutor in Muckleneuk, Pretoria
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997 Hours Tutored
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I am ITIL certified and know telecommunication, networking technology and coding. I am hands-on and try to inspire my learners through hard work. This subject sets the foundation for modules to come in the future, so I believe it is an important one to ensure students understand.
Tutor in Moregloed, Pretoria
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567 Hours Tutored
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I've helped many students to gain practical skills and confidence in software development, data analytics, and web design. You too can learn to code and build your own projects. Let's unlock your potential in IT!
Tutor in Hillcrest, Pretoria
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75 Hours Tutored
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I obtained the highest mark in Gauteng for Prelim examinations at a 100% mark and achieved the highest marl in 2nd year Programming of 99%.
Tutor in Meadow Heights, Pretoria
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I'm currently a software engineer, I love It and I am very good at it. I can teach it on several programming languages as I am skilled in a number of them.
Tutor in Koedoespoort 456-Jr, Pretoria
52 Hours Tutored
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Achieved 88% in matric, and received the award for best IT student in my school 3 years consecutively.
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
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25 Hours Tutored
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I achieved a distinction for this subject in Matric and would love to help others do the same.
Tutor in Muckleneuk, Pretoria
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14 Hours Tutored
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I have a broad knowledge in Information Technology, Computer Science,Databases, and Programming(DELPHI, PYTHON).
Tutor in Wingate Park, Pretoria
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343 Hours Tutored
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As an avid programmer, both academic and professional, I have experience in many things like desktop apps, Web dev and 3D games. I got 93% for IT in matric and have done 1st + 2nd yr. computer science courses (and am currently a TA for one of them).
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
24 Hours Tutored
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I can teach Information Systems modules, Computer Security, Enterprise Architecture, Human-Computer Interaction, Knowledge Management and other Information Technology related courses from beginner to expert level.
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