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John M

32 years old

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Avid reader and lover of all things intellectually stimulating. I value the role education plays in equipping our generation and the next for a multitude societal changes to come.

I always work towards a solution with empathy and consideration to get to the root of the problem at hand. I pride myself in doing my utmost best to assist no matter how many times it takes to get to a state of complete understanding.


• 2012 - 2015 BTech Architecture (Tshwane University of Technology)
• 2020 - 2021 NQF 5 Business Analysis Support Practice (Gijima)
• 2021 - 2022 NQC Project Management (DaVinci Institute)

My Proudest

• Became a father, proudest moment of my entire life. I am by default a lifelong tutor for this little one and that is the best feeling in the whole universe.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS (First additional language)

Highly skilled in essay composition and literary analysis, adept at tailoring instruction to various learning styles for optimal student success. Committed to ensuring a thorough understanding and mastery of academic concepts.

Life Orientation

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS

This subject demands a nuanced and intricate approach to concepts and guidance. I prioritize diversity and multicultural perspectives in my tutoring methodology, enhancing students' understanding through inclusive teaching practices.

Natural Science

Grade 1 - Grade 8 NSC, CAPS

Every student has their own unique way of understanding. I am versatile in my approach to explaining difficult topics.

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