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64 Hours Tutored
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I graduated with Cum Laude in Financial Accounting in 2019. I am a smart young lady who strives to make learning fun.
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
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229 Hours Tutored
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I am a young man of excellent character with a sturdy determination and innovative spirit to achieve everything he undertakes.
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
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83 Hours Tutored
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Devoted and smart working graduate with a BSc degree in Mathematical Statistics from the University of Pretoria (UP) and currently pursuing a BCom (Honours) in Financial Modelling at UNISA.
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
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I'm an amiable and friendly person and I use creativity to help people learn.
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
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66 Hours Tutored
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I am an exceptional woman who is a go getter and never gives up. I always give a 100% at whatever I do, but I never forget to take a break and laugh a little.
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
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424 Hours Tutored
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Mechanical Engineering professional with a passion and goal in investing in fellow youth to empower each other to achieve more in the foreseeable future.
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
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As unique as we are, I feel like I’m very understanding and well-tempered. I’m able to handle most situations without creating noise.
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
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I am an ambitious and a very hard working young man, who have the passion for people and love investing in people.
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
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I'm a second year medical student with a passion for helping others. I strive for excellence in everything I set out to accomplish.
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Capital Park, Pretoria
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I am a very hard-working individual; I don't quit until I have reached my goal. I love Maths and helping people. Through tutoring I am able to enjoy the best of both worlds.
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