Can tutor online
Can tutor in person
I am a friendly tutor with year of experience. I do consider myself as a patient person.
I believe in the ability to identify a problem quickly, in order to rectify the error as soon as possible without breaking the students entire thought process.
• National Diploma (Pol Admin)
My Proudest
• To be honest, I have been very fortune in life. I have had many proud moments and would be difficult to name one or two without been vain.
Beginner - AdvancedI posses a Nation Diploma (Pol Admin) which I passed in the higher grade. My second language was Afrikaans. I lectured English, Law and a variety of other subjects.
Beginner - IntermediateI whilst studding Nas Dip (pol admin) I studied Afrikaans as we had to study and pass two language subjects. Among teaching law, there were times when Afrikaans was needed for students especially for translation purposes.
Grade 1 - Grade 12 UnisaTranslation was often needed by students who were not proficient in either English or Afrikaans.
Mervyn will travel up to 5km from Jan Kempdorp, Jan Kempdorp, Northern Cape to you.
Approximate location and area of coverage.
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