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Palesa S

Tutor in Johannesburg, Gauteng • 27 years old

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I believe I am a student of life who aims to put passion and diligence into every aspect of it. I am aware of and embrace my flaws and I will always be my biggest supporter.

Self belief/confidence can make a big difference in how you navigate through life and face obstacles. I have been in leadership positions throughout my schooling and I volunteered and lived in a village for 2 months tutoring and teaching children in the community. Such experiences have taught me empathy, to lead by example and to motivate people to believe in themselves and their success


• 2016 - 2019: B.Com Law (distinction in Economics) (Rhodes University)
• 2020 - present: Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (Rhodes University)

My Proudest

• President of my high school Sacred Heart College.
• Being on Deans List of Academic Achievement throughout my 3 years of my degree. Graduating with my Bachelor of Commerce degree from Rhodes University with a distinction in Economics.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 9 IEB

I spent 2 months living and volunteering as a maths tutor in a village in Kwa-Zulu Natal. I tutored grade 3 to grade 10 maths and my experiences have taught me how to break down challenging maths concepts in order for learners to understand.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

English and Afrikaans are my home languages. Whilst volunteering in Kwa-Zulu Natal in 2018, I worked as an English tutor/teaching assistant where my focus was on grammar, reading and writing skills as well as analysing literature.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

English and Afrikaans are my home languages. I have experience in tutoring Afrikaans as a First Additional Language (FAL) focusing mainly on translation, comprehension and sentence construction.

  • University Tutoring


First Year - Third Year 4001101, 4001102, 4001201, and 4001202

I have experience tutoring Economics in the GADRA Grade 12 school as well as as a private one on one tutor. I graduated with my Bachelor of Commerce degree at Rhodes University, with distinction in Economics and I was on the Dean's list of academic merit for Economics throughout my 3 years of study.


First Year 4206102

I have a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Rhodes University and took Management for my first and second year. I have experience as a private tutor on foundational Management concepts such as Human Resources, Supply Chain Management, Marketing, and Financial Management

Reviews from others

“Ntsika is connecting very well with Palesa and I think they have developed good rapport.”
- Siziwe
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