Highest Quality Mathematics Literacy Tutors in Central, Gqeberha. Get Mathematics Literacy Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
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Tutor in Central, Gqeberha
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I loved learning Mathematical literacy during my high school years . I also love sharing my styles and way of dealing with Mathematical literacy question .
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Tutor in Humansdorp, Eastern Cape
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15 Hours Tutored
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I have a love for figures hence my love for accounting as well as mathematical literacy. Mathemaical Literacy is one of my majors at varsity. I can assist in giving your child that extra push to help him/her succeed at school!
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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Mathematics Literacy was my favourite subject in high school. I understood the work with great ease, and I am able to use my knowledge to help others. In high school, I would often help my friends with any problems they would have with the work.
Tutor in Bluewater Bay, Gqeberha
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604 Hours Tutored
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Maths literacy is the type of mathematics that studies concepts, numbers , and shapes ,and the relationships between them . I have extensive experience in tutoring Mathematical literacy. Count on me to help boost your marks.
Tutor in Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth
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881 Hours Tutored
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l have over 4 years experience, teaching mathematics. I am helpful and understanding in my approach to learning, and believe this is crucial in encouraging students to conquer their challenges in the subject matter.
Tutor in Linton Grange, Gqeberha
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11 Hours Tutored
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Mathematical Literacy can be hard sometimes but if you master the concepts it can be very easy. I loved helping my peers understand concepts that they struggled with and I have a passion for this subject.
Tutor in Kamma Park, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Kamma Park, Port Elizabeth
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During my schooling, I have had no struggle when it came to understanding Mathematics LIteracy and enjoyed solving certain questions and equations. I helped many of my classmates understand the steps to take in order to achieve the correct answer.
Tutor in Port Elizabeth Central, Gqeberha
Tutor in Port Elizabeth Central, Gqeberha
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With a history of tutoring peers since high school, I continue to assist my cousins and siblings with homework and exam prep. Over the past two years, I've honed my skills and passion for helping others succeed academically.
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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I completed Maths core and am currently doing my second year maths at NMU. I tutored a grade 11 student in 2016 and tutored her until June of Matric 2017. I can contribute to a student’s Mathematics Literacy knowledge and enjoy imparting knowledge.
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6169 Hours Tutored
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Mathematical literacy is essential for navigating today's world. As a tutor, I'm devoted to simplifying math concepts, building confidence, and fostering critical thinking in students. With practical applications, we'll unlock the power of numbers.
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4688 Hours Tutored
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Through my tutoring expertise in Math Literacy, I have successfully guided students to excel with Distinction, honing their mathematical skills and unlocking their full potential.
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2412 Hours Tutored
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Mathematical Literacy is about knowing the steps and understanding the application of those steps to questions asked. I have been tutoring Mathematics for almost ten years, and throughout this time, I have developed some tips and tricks that I would love to keep handing down to students.
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