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Ilze F

26 years old

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I am passionate both in my studies and tutoring. I bring a calm, amiable energy to the classroom and strive to assist students to achieve their goals - and beyond!

I am an attentive listener and will put in great effort to ensure that students not only understand their work but feel confident in their knowledge.


• 2017-2019: Bachelor of Social Science at the University of Cape Town (Majors: English Literature & Gender Studies)
• 2020: BSocSci (Hons) in Gender & Transformation
• 2021: University Tutoring at UCT

My Proudest

• I have been highly recommended as a tutor in the Humanities at the University of Cape Town.
• I achieved a class medal (highest grade) in a third year University course.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

My home language is Afrikaans, and I am passionate about language - I studied English Literature at UCT and believe the combination of experience studying language, tutoring university students, and my personal experience with Afrikaans makes me a great tutoring option.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I have always had a passion for English - I excelled in English Home Language and studied English Literature at UCT. I have experience tutoring university students and would make a great option for high school English tutoring.

Business Studies

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

Business studies was one of my highest marks in matric, and I received an award for top mark in my grade. I am able to help students both memorise the content, and understand the work.

  • University Tutoring


First Year - Second Year

As a BSocSci(Hons) graduate and UCT tutor, I make an excellent choice for a Politics tutor. My academic background has allowed me to develop a nuanced approach and a passion for teaching that makes me ideal to tutor Politics.

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