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Mlondi B

26 years old

Request Mlondi

Can tutor online


I have a strong drive for Education, I believe in young people getting a fair chance in Education, as Education is the key to success. I enjoy making other people's lives better in any way.

I believe the room is big enough for all of us to make it if I'm doing exceptionally well in something I love helping someone else who might need help with doing much better for themselves. I always make the learner's needs a priority, and I know building a good learning relationship with a student comes from understanding their needs and working on helping them achieve their goal.


• 2019 - 2024: Bachelor in Law (LLB) University of the Free State.
• I have been offering face to face lessons in IsiZulu and Business Studies under Superprof.

My Proudest

• I am achieving membership in the International Golden Key Society for my 2020 academic results.
• I presented an article on Mercantile Law in my 4th year in Law School.
• Participation in the Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.


  • University Tutoring

General Management

First Year - Second Year EBUS1624

The General Management module equipped me with great understanding of the corporate space, and with great performance I had for the Module, I have assisted a lot of junior students in tutorials for the Module and helped my fellow classmates understand the content of the Module.

Business courses

First Year - Second Year EBUS1614

I've shown great participation in the Module's tutorials in my first and second year, and that led to one of the Module's Lecturers recommending me as a tutor for the Module. I performed exceptionally well in the Module with a distinction.

  • School Tutoring

Business Studies

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

With supervision from my teachers, I would help my fellow classmates with Business Studies activities and afternoon classes. I have two years in experience tutoring contact sessions and online sessions of Business Studies, and I have completed Modules in Business Entities and Business Functions.

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