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Sonali N

25 years old

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I'm a hardworking, determined, passionate, patient, caring woman, who focuses on her goals and does everything in her power to accomplish them.

I never give up on people. I'm patient and will try different methods in order to help someone understand a concept or section. I always make myself available to help.


• 2018 - present : BSc Chemical Engineering (The University of Cape Town)

My Proudest

• My proudest Achievement was during my Grade 12 year when I achieved 6 A's and an aggregate of 85%.
• Another achievement I'm proud of is being an Academic Tutor during high school from grade 10 - 12. Being able to help people and truly make a change in their lives truly made me satisfied.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I was an academic tutor in high school for 3 years and tutored many children. I've taken part in many Olympiads and quizzes. I have an understanding and passion for the subject.


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I was an Academic Tutor in high school for 3 years. I mainly tutored Afrikaans. Afrikaans is not my first language but it's one that I picked up quickly. I took part in many Olympiads and Festivals. I have a passion and connection to the language.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I was an Academic Tutor in high school for 3 years. One of the Subjects I tutored was Physical Science. I have also competed in many Quizzes and Olympiads.


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I took History as a subject through out my high school journey. It is a subject I have a great interest and passion for .

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I was an academic tutor in high school for 3 years and tutored many children. I have also participated in a lot of science Olympiads and competitions.

Life Orientation

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I was an academic tutor in high school for 3 years and tutored many children.


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I was an academic tutor in high school for 3 years and tutored many children. I have worked at many after school homework rooms where I helped facilitate the oversight of homework.

Reviews from others

“Huge improvement observed, first Maths test for the term was excellently passed. ”


“Has really good patience with a difficult learner. ”


“whenever she's teaching me she takes my goals into consideration and helps be get good grades to achieve them.”


“She's patient and dedicated to her tutoring work. Very observant and gives advice when necessary , I like that.”


“very patient and explanations are good as per Havania”


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