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Tutor in Glen Ridge, Soweto
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16 Hours Tutored
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I am honest, efficient, friendly and a go-getter. I am passionate about helping learner exceed.
Tutor in Glen Ridge, Soweto
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I am self-motivated, honest, and results-driven. I believe that putting in the work and effort to achieve one's goals is better than talking accompanied by no action.
Tutors in surrounding areas:
Tutor in Philip Nel Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Philip Nel Park, Pretoria
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367 Hours Tutored
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I am a BSc Mathematics and Physics Graduate. Current Occupation: Health Physicist
Tutor in Naledi, Soweto
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231 Hours Tutored
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I am an ambitious individual and inclined towards getting the best out of himself. I enjoy soccer, both playing and watching the sport.
Tutor in Zola, Soweto
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406 Hours Tutored
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I am diverse as a person. Words that best describe me are; passionate and understanding.
Tutor in Grobler Park, Roodepoort
Tutor in Grobler Park, Roodepoort
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785 Hours Tutored
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I have a Master’s in teaching French as a Foreign Language. I have 10+ years of experience. I help students develop confidence in speaking and understanding the languages I teach.
Tutor in Pimville Zone 1, Pimville
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154 Hours Tutored
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An individual who is willing and goal-driven by experience. I am passionate and open to learning new knowledge.
Tutor in Homelake, Randfontein
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2252 Hours Tutored
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An educator, examiner and administrator for over 2 decades with extensive experience in assisting all types of learners.
Tutor in Ruimsig, Roodepoort
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106 Hours Tutored
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I am an energetic, passionate tutor with an honours degree in STEM Education.
Tutor in Lenasia, Gauteng
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458 Hours Tutored
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I achieved all seven distinctions in matric. I am a WITS graduate. I have an Actuarial Science and Mathematical Statistics Degree. I have excellent communication skills and enjoy helping others.
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