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Tutor in Collegeville, Pennsylvania
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My name is Jeremy, and I'm an honors student at the University of Pittsburgh. I have a very flexible schedule and I love teaching at any level, K-12!
Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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I have always loved to help empower others in their learning and, more broadly, in their lives. I'm excited to be able to help make statistics less of an intimidating subject!
Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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Hey everyone! I'm Nithya and I'm a sophomore at Carnegie Mellon studying Electrical & Computer Engineering. I'm very passionate about STEM and have experience as a Teaching Assistant and peer tutor!
Tutor in Villanova, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Villanova, Pennsylvania
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Hello, my name is Lalih Harris! I love helping students succeed. I'm a proud member of the National Honor Society where we run a tutoring program to do just that!
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