Profile picture of Samuel S

Samuel S

Tutor in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania

Request Samuel James
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Can tutor in person


I am kind, compassionate, and most of all fun. I love working with kids and they love working with me, this is partly due to the fact that I'm not an actual school teacher but seen more as a friend.

I've been babysitting kids of all ages for years now and they always ask me to help them do their HW. Not only do I help them understand the material but they have fun while learning it and that is by far the most important thing.


• High School Degree (Phoenixville High)
• Pursuing BS in data science and Masters in Business (Penn State University Park)

My Proudest

• One of my biggest achievements was starting my own lawn mowing company from scratch and growing it into a successful business.
• Another huge achievement was getting into every college I applied to. It shows all my hard work, studying, and learning techniques really paid off.


  • School Tutoring


1st Grade - 10th Grade

I am extremely hard working and motivated to help kids learn. I have recently just finish multivariable calculus at Penn State, and since being home have helped tutor kids around my area.

Language Arts (English)

1st Grade - 12th Grade

I have been acing English since the first grade and since coming home from college I really feel as though I've gained a deeper knowledge and would love to help students learn and understand English better.

  • Language Tutoring



I have been acing English since the first grade and since coming home from college I really feel as though I've gained a deeper knowledge and would love to help students learn and understand English better.


Samuel James will travel up to 15km from Phoenixville, Pennsylvania to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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