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Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
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52 Hours Tutored
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I am a vibrant tutor who believes that tutoring is about learning in a fun and healthy way, encouraging students to think critically and creating an environment that is safe for learning and growing.
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
13 Hours Tutored
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I am very kind person and calm most of the time. I enjoying helping others, not in just academics but also charity.
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
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84 Hours Tutored
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I am a bubbly individual who is goal orientated and ambitious. I am also that person who is constantly making people laugh and a fun and energetic spirit to be around
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
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13 Hours Tutored
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Passionate about literature, writing, and the arts, I inspire students while promoting eco-conscious living.
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
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I am charismatic, energetic and extremely focused. I am very goal oriented and supportive and will see me ‘student’ through.
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
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15 Hours Tutored
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I am a 20 year old female, studying a bachelor of commerce at UCT. I enjoy being active and spending time with family and friends and I would consider myself extremely driven.
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
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128 Hours Tutored
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i'm friendly and out-going with a dry sense of humor (puns are my fuel) and I'm almost obsessively organised and I'm the poster child for conscientiousness. I spend my time reading all things fiction.
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
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43 Hours Tutored
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A PhD student at the University of Cape Town intensely interested in how and why people learn.
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
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12 Hours Tutored
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I am currently a student at the University of Cape Town studying Physics and Astrophysics. I love helping people understand Mathematical and Science concepts.
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
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I am a self-motivated individual who believes that I can achieve anything I put my mind to. Time management is also important to me, and I like life to be well balanced.
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