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Keeran P

Tutor in Blairgowrie, Randburg • 23 years old

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I am a hardworking individual coming 2nd in the District for my Matric exams. I am compassionate and sociable, always going the extra mile to ensure that my students thoroughly understand concepts.

I am a natural leader. I was Captain of the School Chess team that won the League for 3 years. During this time, I coached the younger players so that even after I had left the school, the Chess team would still be strong. I was also the Captain of the Science Team that came 1st in Gauteng and 3rd in South Africa. During this time, I had a big role in organizing the admin and communicating.


• 2020 - 2021 BSc. Actuarial Science (Currently in 2nd Year)

My Proudest

• 2nd in the Johannesburg East District with my Matric results.
• Chess Captain for 2 years and Best Chess Player from Grade 9-12, winning the Chess League for 3 years.
• Captain of the Science team which came 1st in Gauteng and 3rd in the country at the Scifest Science Quiz held at Rhodes University.


  • University Tutoring


First Year MATH1036/MATH1034

I achieved 97% in First Year for Calculus. Since I am still a student I understand the problems that students face, as such I am able to explain concepts in a unique way that allows students to visualize a concept better in order to get a more thorough understanding.

Financial Mathematics

First Year STAT1002A

I achieved 83% for First Year Actuarial Science. Since I am still a student I understand the problems that students face, as such I am able to explain concepts in a unique way that allows students to visualize a concept better in order to get a more thorough understanding.


First Year STAT1003A

I have tutored university students struggling with Statistics. Since I am still a student I understand the problems that students face, as such I am able to explain concepts in a unique way that allows students to visualize a concept better in order to get a more thorough understanding.


Keeran will travel up to 10km from Blairgowrie, Randburg, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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