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Koketso M

29 years old

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I am a hard working individual, determined to help others. I make sure that I create a fun but serious environment to learn in. Basically, i'm an easy going person.

By creating a learning environment that allows the student to be vulnerable and express their academic challenges. Working through their academic challenges by explaining concepts in a way that they will understand. I am one person who believes in that there are multiple and fun ways of explaining a concept.


• - Chemical Engineering Wits graduate.
• - Clean Coal Technology Wits masters student.
• - 5 years of Math and Science tutoring experience

My Proudest

• -7 grade 12 distinctions
• -Wits chemical engineering graduate.
• -2018/2019 school of chemical engineering treasurer.
• -Multiple distinctions throughout my undergraduate.


  • School Tutoring

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NCS

I achieved 7 distinctions in Grade 12 across all of my subjects, including in Physical Science. I was one of the top achievers in the region. I'm very sharp with Physical Science and I have over 5 years of tutoring experience in Maths & Science.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NCS

I achieved 7 distinctions in Grade 12. I was one of the top achievers in the region. I'm very sharp with Mathematics and I have over 5 years of tutoring experience in Maths & Science. Most students seem to struggle with Maths, but honestly, it just needs a bit of hard work, practice and guidance.

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

Life Sciences is that subject that you need to do a lot of reading to understand the subject. One of the easy subjects that needs a bit of guidance to understand

Reviews from others

“She helped Ashleigh understand an area she had been struggling with”
- Donne
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