My friends will describe me as the inquisitive, free-spirited, and patient mom of the group. I enjoy spending my time reading, painting, and playing volleyball!
As an older sister, my younger sister has taught me how and why it is important to be patient and considerate. Through my experience meeting and working with many different young people in NYC in different non-profits, my growing ability to actively listen and understand others allows me to help others.
• 2016 - 2018 -- HS Diploma at Bard Queens (GPA 3.98)
• 2018 - 2020 -- AA (Associates in Arts) at Bard College (GPA 3.99)
• 2020 - 2024 -- Pursuing BA in Economics at Harvard University
My Proudest
• Co-founded a mentoring/college-guidance 501c3 non-profit that helped 600+ high school and college students internationally.
• Worked and developed relationships with 80+ arrested young people in NYC, with no respondents re-offending.
1st Grade - 12th GradeI've really enjoyed tutoring calculus and multi-calculus to high school students in the past semester and throughout my own high school career. Particularly, I've spent my last semester developing and teaching curriculum for 3-8th grade students on mathematics from basic arithmetic to trigonometry.
1st Grade - 12th GradeWriting has always been my favorite subject! In high school, I was a fellow mentor at my school's writing center. My skills include helping students craft outlines and express their ideas in fluid and concise ways. Additionally, I have helped students with grammar and structural writing.
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