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Reece G

23 years old

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I am dedicated to helping my students and I am a patient and adjustable teacher.

Throughout my schooling career, I have helped numerous classmates and have gained various experiences in teaching.


• 2015 - 2019 Hyde Park High-school
• 2020 - current BSC in Engineering Aeronuatical, Wits

My Proudest

• 8 A's for matric year
• Competed in the International Physics Olympiad 2019
• Selected to be the Head boy for 2019


  • School Tutoring

Mathematics IEB experience

Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

I obtained 8 A's during matric year and have competed in numerous olympiads. I have tutored multiple students and classmates throughout school and in my current university degree at Wits. I am able to break down complex problems into understandable pieces.

Physical Science IEB

Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

Obtained 8 A's during matric year and have participated in the international Physics Olympiad 2019 Israel. I have tutored multiple students and classmates throughout school and in my current university degree at Wits. I am patient and able to adjust to any learner.

Engineering Graphic Design

Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

I am a dedicated and patient tutor and I am able to break down the complex nature of the subject in order for any student to understand. I am confident in helping students improve their visual processing skills and spatial awareness.

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