Highest Quality Business Studies Tutors in Die Wilgers, Pretoria. Get Business Studies Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
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Tutor in Die Wilgers, Pretoria
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When learning Business Studies I use creativity in an orderly way. Through using combined learning methods, is it easier to break down the mass of the work into smaller and simpler sections, which makes it a lot easier to understand and remember.
Tutor in Die Wilgers, Pretoria
Tutor in Die Wilgers, Pretoria
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I majored in Business Studies for 2 years at the University of Pretoria and completed my Business Studies Methodology while studying a BEd FET General. I took Business Studies as a Matric subject.
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Tutor in East Lynne, Pretoria
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1363 Hours Tutored
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I am highly experienced and knowledgeable in every area and field in regards to Business studies. I have excelled in this subject and I am able to teach up to university level.
Tutor in Wierdapark, Centurion
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519 Hours Tutored
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I had a great experience with learning Business studies. I had special methods of learning, for example visualization, and summarizing each section that made me perform well.
Tutor in Die Hoewes, Centurion
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659 Hours Tutored
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I have experience working for a small start-up company where a lot of the studies I learnt on managing a business in High School and University were applied practically. The subject is also applied in my current occupation.
Tutor in Olievenhoutbos 26, Centurion
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1807 Hours Tutored
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I have a great understanding and passion in Business studies. I wish to deliver the crucial information in me to the students because I have a B symbol in it at Advanced Level.
Tutor in Moreletapark, Pretoria
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291 Hours Tutored
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I teach Business students across the different curricula; CAIE, FET CAPs, IEB and University level. I have mastery of teaching Finance and Management. I am currently CIE Assessment specialist/ marker.
Tutor in Centurion Golf Estate, Centurion
403 Hours Tutored
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I have a love for Business Studies. I did student work in retail for two-and-a-half-years and I am busy with my second degree in Commerce.
Tutor in Pretoria Central, Pretoria
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304 Hours Tutored
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I have assisted students studying Commerce with great success. I also expanded my knowledge in Business studies through completing Corporate administration in my Postgraduate level under the Chartered Governance Institute. My qualification is broad -based which allows me to wear many hats.
Tutor in Erasmia, Centurion
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235 Hours Tutored
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I enjoy teaching this subject as something about all the concepts makes so much sense to me. During high school, I managed to find easier ways to study the content without it being extremely boring as I related to real-life scenarios
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