Highest Quality Human Resource Management Tutors in Princess, Roodepoort. Get Human Resource Management Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Human Resource Management tutorTutor in Princess, Roodepoort
Tutor in Princess, Roodepoort
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Human resource management has been a major subject throughout my academic career and I am passionate about people development.
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Tutor in Riverlea, Johannesburg
Tutor in Riverlea, Johannesburg
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41 Hours Tutored
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With a strong background in human resource management, I offer tailored tutoring to help you excel in your HRM module. My approach combines academic theory with real-world examples, ensuring a comprehensive understanding. To enhance your grasp of key concepts and practical application.
Tutor in Riverclub, Sandton
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19 Hours Tutored
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I have 20+ years of experience in human resources management (including organisational design, job management, career management and performance management); I have 15+ years of experience in data collection, analysis and qualitative research.
Tutor in Randpark, Randburg
Tutor in Randpark, Randburg
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I completed my MBA and graduated earlier this year.
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156 Hours Tutored
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My tutoring is focused on practical applications of HR theories, including talent management, employee relations, and strategic planning. I aim to equip students with the skills needed to excel in HR roles and enhance workplace environments effectively.
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860 Hours Tutored
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I enjoyed the courses I did during my first year which broadened my knowledge and understanding of the HR field, and I would love to pass on the knowledge and experience I have acquired to students.
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273 Hours Tutored
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I am honestly in love with it HR Management since it was one of my major subjects in university from my first year to my final year. I love how it helps in structuring teams and helping with engagement and development.
155 Hours Tutored
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My university major focused on Human Resource Management and Industrial Psychology. I bring 6 years of hands-on experience in the dynamic field of OD/HR.
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129 Hours Tutored
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Specializing in human resource development, I guide Students in cultivating talent, enhancing instructional strategies, and fostering a conducive online learning environment for optimal growth.
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971 Hours Tutored
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I have a Bcom Degree in HRM Management. I tutor 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year students from Certificate, higher certificate, Diploma and Bcom HRM level.
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