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Anam M

27 years old

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I commit to tasks that I participate in, take full responsibilities and aim for progress. I possess the great trait of motivating myself and others to excel and reach their full potential.

I take initiative in equipping myself with skills and I am eager to learn and expand my knowledge. I enjoy building social connections with friends and community. I enjoy sharing knowledge and giving back to the community and I possess good qualities of a leader. I have good communication skills and teamwork abilities that ensure successful outcomes are obtained. I am adaptable and friendly.


• 2015 - Matriculated from Lehana Senior Secondary School (5 distinctions)
• 2019 BSc Chemical Engineering University of Cape Town
• 2022 MSc Chemical Engineering (Distinction) University of Cape Town

My Proudest

• I became a Women in Engineering Fellow 2019. I obtained a Thusanani Foundation Academic Excellence Award in Chemistry in 2016. I was one of the top learners from Historically Disadvantaged Institutions (HDI) in Eastern Cape Districts in 2015


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS, IEB

I have tutoring experience with this subject. I enjoy problem-solving and this is a subject of my most interest that I find particularly easy to navigate. I help students with understanding the content and practice of past papers.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I have strong interpersonal skills in working with students to help them improve their grades. I help students with understanding the content and practice of past papers. I have experience in tutoring this subject for Grade 12.

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I am a patient and a committed tutor who enjoy assisting different students to achieve their desired outcomes. I approach problems in analytical and creative ways that are best suited for each student.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS

I achieved a High Distinction for Geography in grade 12 level and I am confident in my ability to effectively convey information. I explain concepts thoroughly and work through problems with the learner until their understanding has been maximised.

Reviews from others

“Anam continue to be committed, well organized & punctual. She goes the xtra mile to be well prepared& always responds to msg. Let’s keep up the great work .Thanks Anam!! ”
- Heather
“She makes sure I understand the topic before we move on to the next. She explains in a way I understand the topic.”
- Thato
“We are very happy with Anam and we can see a difference with Liya and improvement in maths..”
- Yusree
“Anam has helped me understand the topics better.”
- Sindiswa
“Great that his confidence and commitment has increased. She is so diligent.”
- Elmien
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