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Navi R

61 years old

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I am a dedicated and experienced Educator with 21 years of service. I am patient and understanding and love helping learners achieve their goals.

I have the ability to identify problem areas of learners and help them progress and succeed in life.


• Junior Secondary Education Diploma (Maths & Accounting)
• Further Diploma in Education (Computer Science)
• Currently a Tutor in Mathematics

My Proudest

• I was appointed Secondary School Head of Department in Natural Sciences
• Co-ordinator of School Sports Day Programme


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS, IEB

With over 20 years of honing mathematical expertise, I've adeptly navigated school curricula. Let's conquer Mathematics together!

Mathematics Literacy

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS

With over 20 years of expertise instructing Mathematics, my extensive background covers comprehensive curriculum mastery at various educational levels.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 TEFL

With over 20 years of teaching experience, my patience fosters a deep understanding of learners' struggles, empowering them to conquer challenges and reach their aspirations.

Reviews from others

“After a few months of Basi struggling with fractions,she felt defeated by maths.Navi’s patience and encouragement has really helped Basi.With her step by step explanations ,Navi had demystified fractions,turning Basi’s confusion into confidence. Basi not only mastered fractions but also developed a newfound enthusiasm for math, thanks to Navi”
- Julian
“Navi is very patient and have an excellent way to explain difficult concepts.”
- Pauline
“She was engaging, patient, understanding and very helpful. ”
- Lineo
“Navi's lesson was well organised and informative.”
- Kantha
“Navi was able to get through to Robert from the first lesson and it only got better from there.”
- Carike
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