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Timothy S

Tutor in Newlands, Cape Town • 25 years old

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I would say I am a very happy person, always with a smile on my face. I am always willing to help out where I can, as well as getting to know the people around me.

In school, my classmates would often come to me for help, because I would try explain the topic in a way that they could understand. I would try to understand where they were coming from before trying to explain to them. I am willing to put in the time to help.


• 2018-2021 - B. Sc Civil Engineering (University of Cape Town)

My Proudest

• Being accepted into University of Cape Town for Civil Engineering.
• Physically helping build an orphanage with my own hands.
• Passing my physical science courses in school and in university, I really struggled with those.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

I have a strong logical and practical way of solving math problems. I would rather figure out a way to find a solution than to learn a step by step method. I learnt how to think outside the box when I got to university.

Engineering Graphic Design

Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

I have a strong visual way of thinking, as I am able to picture problems in my head. I really enjoyed EGD in school and in university, that my peers would ask for help with the subject. This was my strongest subject in school.

  • University Tutoring

Engineering Drawing

First Year

I have a strong visual spatial way of thinking. I really enjoyed this course in my first year and I would often help out my peers, as I excelled in Engineering Graphics and Design in school.


Timothy will travel up to 15km from Newlands, Cape Town, Western Cape to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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