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Xidikari S

Tutor in Murrayfield, Pretoria • 35 years old

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I am a patient and enthusiastic teacher with over eight years of experience and a deep passion for languages.

I am a kind, understanding, and patient individual who strives to cultivate a nurturing environment in my classes. By establishing clear routines, I create a structured and calm atmosphere that fosters learning and growth for all students.


• 2008 - 2011 BPolSci International Relations.
• 2012- 2014 BA Hnrs International Relations.
• 2020 - 2021 Level 5 300Hours TELF Diploma
• 2022 - 2024 Early Childhood Education Montessori Diploma.

My Proudest

• My children and family
• I am proud of my students and what they have achieved so far.
• My degrees and Diplomas.


  • Language Tutoring


Beginner - Advanced

I am a native Spanish speaker. I have taught Spanish for over 8 years in different schools in South Africa to children from Grade R to Grade 12. I have also tutored adults. I tailor my lessons according to the needs and level of my students.

  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB, NSC, Cambridge

As a dedicated and skilled Spanish educator, I bring a wealth of experience in instructing students across diverse proficiency levels. I teach beginners to advanced learners.


Xidikari will travel up to 15km from Murrayfield, Pretoria, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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