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Caleb G

45 years old

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I am a results-oriented and focused person who enjoys sharing knowledge with others.

I love to unlock the potential in others and make the world a better place by empowering others with knowledge.


• M.Sc Economics, University of Zimbabwe

My Proudest

• Graduating with my first degree in Economics, and graduating my first class of Economics students as a professional.


  • University Tutoring


First Year - Fourth Year other

I hold a Master's degree in Economics and have dealt with Economics extensively at an academic and professional level. I am able to provide support in all aspects of the subject from the theory to the practical application of this subject.


First Year - Fourth Year university level

I am an Economist by profession, I hold a MSc in Economics. I am confident in my ability to share the knowledge I have of the discipline by empowering others in understanding and interpreting economic data using statistical and mathematical models.

Reviews from others

“Caleb always showed a calm tone for everything he explained, attended every question with precision and helped me overcome the doubts I presented him.”
- Daniel
“Caleb simplified concepts that I have never understood with practical examples that are memorable ”
- Mary-ann
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