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Kabelo M

36 years old

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I am a hardworking individual always willing to help. I am a goal-orientated individual with dreams of becoming a Chartered Accountant.

I find great joy in seeing others succeed at their goals and hence always willing to give a helping hand.


• 2016 -2010 Bachelor of Accounting Science (UNISA)
• 2020 -Final year studying with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants & Honors in Applied Accounting with Oxford Brookes University (UK)

My Proudest

• Completing my Bachelor of Accounting Sciences degree as well as completing my SAICA articles. My degree was not easy as i had to study on my own due to financial difficulty at home. However by God's grace I managed.


  • University Tutoring

Financial Accounting

First Year - Second Year NQF

I passed Financial Accounting with distinction. I have tutoring experience in the subject and I have had very good results from my students! I would love to assist other learners to gain more insight into the subject matter and build on their confidence in approaching the subject!


First Year UNISA

I am studying to become a CA and have completed my SAICA Articles. I have tutored students in the past which has enhanced my understanding of the subject.

Reviews from others

“Luc said that Kabelo was very patient and explained the work with great ease . She has a way of conveying the information in a manner that he could absorb and understand . It is the first time that Luc actually looked forward to his tutoring because he learnt so much in each session. I would HIGHLY RECOMEND Kabelo to any student seeking to improve their studies ”
- Nadia
“Her knowledge base on accounting is amazing. She knew all the questions correctly without having to reference to any textbook. She was also patient with me when I struggled with some questions. She was also really good and explaining things out. She made it simple enough for anyone to understand. Really good Tutor! ”
- Daniel
“She has so much patience... She didn't make me feel uncomfortable in anyway because she knew I needed help... She is an amazing tutor I wish I could spend more time learning with her”
- Bradley
“Kabelo has made a huge difference in terms of my understanding of the module. I am certainly regaining my memory and the confidence to tackle accounting questions. She is a good listener and she communicates effectively. She is friendly and she was able to evolve and adjust her teaching methods according to my pace and my level of understanding. Thank you Kabelo...”
- Mpumi
“Kabelo is patient and understanding of the pace i work at and is always there with positive criticisms and help when ever required! ”
- Belinda
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