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Rainer K

41 years old

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An experienced Internal Audit and Risk Management professional, who is passionate about my profession, people, innovation, technology, and above all, integrity.

I have a passion for all aspects of business functions, especially the flow of information, which is the backbone of accounting accurately for transactions and identifying risks that need appropriate internal controls. I have experience in training hundreds of internal audit professionals in formal training sessions and on-the-job during 14 years' worth of projects.


• 2002 - 2004 - B Com Accounting Sciences (University of Pretoria)
• 2005 - B Com (Hons) Internal Auditing (University of Pretoria) and CIA (IIA)
• 2006 - 2015 (KPMG)
• 2015 - 2017 (SBV)
• 2017 - 2020 (MyBucks)

My Proudest

• Passed all four exams required to become a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) within two back-to-back days in November 2005. Pass mark is 75%.

• Championed the rollout of KPMG's drive to move to electronic working papers nationally and globally between 2009 and 2015.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 Any syllabus.

I have a B Com Accounting Science degree from the University of Pretoria, with more than 15 years' practical experience, starting in a small accounting practice in 2005 up to leading an Internal Audit function for a multinational company since 2017.

  • University Tutoring

Internal Auditing

First Year - Postgrad FRB711, IOK711, IOK721, IOK722, IOK725

More than 9 years' practical experience at a Big Four firm, along with being a Certified Internal Auditor and Certified Financial Services Auditor. I further have 5 years' Risk Management and in-house Internal Auditing experience.


First Year - Second Year INF254, INF 264, INF112

I am extremely passionate about leveraging technology to improve business processes. I have used this skill very successfully as an Internal Audit and Risk Management professional for more than 14 years.

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