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Samuel Z

28 years old

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I am a highly reliable person. Hard working, open minded I am a people person. I love meeting and working with new people,

While helping others i also learn from them, because the more you help the more receive too from giving what you have about your knowledge


• 2017 - 2021 Information Technology
• 2016 - 2017 Certificate in Graphic Design

My Proudest

• I have made more websites that some big companies are using
• and i have achieved more work for big Companies and I'm so proud of that.


  • University Tutoring

Website Development

First Year - Postgrad

My years of experience have prepared me well for this position. they mentioned that Web developer is a biggest part of today's world; I spent three years working in a high-volume web developer, Graphic designing, Creating Website and identifying solutions.

  • Language Tutoring


Beginner - Intermediate

French is my mother tongue and I have a deep love and passion for the language and I am an avid reader. I would love to assist others in bettering their knowledge and grammar in this field.


Beginner - Intermediate

I am a dual-speaking individual, who has a love for languages. I pride myself in understanding the technical aspects of the subject as well as the beauty of it. I wish to help others understand it better.

Reviews from others

“His patience, gentleness and focus on well-constructed questions.”
- Megan
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