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Taariq H

25 years old

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I am a current Medical Student who enjoys both learning and sharing what I know. I hope to pass my enjoyment of learning on to others.

I enjoy breaking down concepts to understandable 1st principles, which helps others understand. The school system places too large a focus on pure memorization. I feel I am able to help others develop an understanding of subjects, which is especially crucial in achieving good results and implementing lessons in the real world.


• 2012 - 2016: Greenside High School
• 2017 - Present: Medicine (MBBCh) University of the Witwatersrand
• 2020 - Present: Tutor for 3rd Year Medicine at the Office of Student Success, Wits

My Proudest

• I matriculated with 10 Distinctions before being accepted to study Medicine at several South African Universities, including Wits and UCT. I am among the top students in my class, having achieved the Dean's List each year of my degree (as well as subject awards in Physiology and Molecular Medicine)


  • School Tutoring

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I matriculated with 97% in Science, the top at my school, as well as achieved distinctions in Physics and Chemistry during the first year of my Medical degree. I am passionate and knowledgeable about the subject.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I achieved 97 percent in Matric Physical Sciences and 92 percent in first year Chemistry during my Medical degree. I enjoy teaching the subject, have a deep understanding of what is required to do well, and have access to plenty of resources.

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I achieved 96% in my Matric Life Sciences exams, as well as a distinction in first year Biology. My love of the subject helped develop my interest in Medicine, my current career path. I understand and can explain processes well.

  • University Tutoring


First Year - Postgrad ANAT2020 and others

I was among the top students in Anatomy during my 2nd year of Medical School, achieving a year mark of 88%. Included in the course were rigorous Morphology, Histology and Embryology components, with a major focus on Morphological Anatomy.


First Year - Postgrad PHSL 2004 and others

In the 2nd year of my Medical degree, I was the recipient of the H.S. Ebrahim Memorial Medal for Physiology and Medical Biochemistry, awarded to the top Medical student in Physiology, with 93%. I am passionate and fascinated by the subject.


First Year - Second Year PHSL2004 and others

I completed a biochemistry component in my Physiological course, achieving the highest marks out of a class of 400 other health sciences students. I enjoy and understand the different integrations and pathways found in Biochemistry.

Reviews from others

“I enjoy the way he explains certain concepts. It just makes everything more practical and a bit easier to understand ”
- Lele
“He is a very nice teacher. He always explain every slide clearly in order to help with my understanding. ”
- Rosa
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