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Elne V

Tutor in Rosebank, Johannesburg • 33 years old

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I am guided by open-mindedness, creativity and a love of learning. Knowing that what I engage in is meaningful, gives me a sense of purpose and courage to accomplish challenges and tasks.

I am someone that is interested in the strengths of other individuals and to facilitate them to see and use their strengths. It is such an experience to be part of another individual's growth process.


• 2011-2014 -B.Ed. Foundation Phase
• 2015 - Honours in Psychology
• 2016 -2017 - Masters in Psychology
• 2017 - Intern at Counselling and Career Development Unit, Wits

My Proudest

• Getting accepted into the Master's program for Psychology
• Golden Key membership
• High School (6 Distinctions); Foundation Phase degree with a Distinction, Honours degree with a Distinction and M1 year with Distinction


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 CAPS

I was positioned first in Afrikaans out of the B.Ed Foundation Phase students.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 CAPS

I am fluent in English speaking and writing.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 CAPS

I had Art as a subject until Grade 12.

  • Language Tutoring

Conversational English

Beginner - Advanced NSC

I'm fluent in English speaking and writing.

  • University Tutoring


First Year - Postgrad North West University

I am an Intern Psychologist at Wits. I passed all Psychology models with Distinction.


First Year - Fourth Year Foundation Phase

I received a degree with Distinction.


Elne will travel up to 20km from Rosebank, Johannesburg, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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