I majored in and am now pursuing my PhD in mathematics at the University of Chicago. I specialize in analysis/calculus and can also help with algebra and anything at the high school level (or below).
I was a tutor at the tutoring services at UChicago for years, have worked as a TA for many math courses, and am very interested in sharing my understanding of mathematics.
• 2016-2020 -- University of Chicago, B.A. with honors in Mathematics, receiving the Paul R. Cohen Prize for the greatest math GPA
My Proudest
• Graduated from the University of Chicago with the Paul R. Cohen prize for greatest record in mathematics
• Received funding from UChicago for mathematics research
1st Year - PostgradI received the highest GPA in mathematics at the University of Chicago, resulting in my receiving the Paul R. Cohen Prize. I have enrolled in a PhD program in mathematics at UChicago since. I feel completely comfortable tutoring any level of math at the undergraduate level and below.
1st Grade - 12th GradeI received the highest GPA in mathematics at the University of Chicago, resulting in my receiving the Paul R. Cohen Prize. I have enrolled in a PhD program in mathematics at UChicago since. I feel completely comfortable tutoring any level of math at the undergraduate level and below.
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