Profile picture of Ben S

Ben S

Tutor in Phoenix, Arizona

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This section is limited to a maximum of two sentences. I wanted to use the first one for that because I think it reflects my teaching style: a little bit will be fun but most of it will be productive!

My tutoring will be especially beneficial to you two reasons. First, I know a lot of stuff! Secondly, I know that I don't know a lot of stuff and some of that includes stuff about you. I recognize that in order to help you learn best, I need to first learn about you.


• -Brophy College Preparatory graduate
• -2017-2021 BA in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Law from the University of Arizona Honors College (Minor in Spanish)
• -2020- expected 2022 MA in Philosophy

My Proudest

• -Acceptance to the University of Arizona's Accelerated Master's Program in Philosophy
• -Participating in a month-long backpacking trip through Philmont Scout Ranch
• -My health! (I once back-squatted 315 pounds at a 155-pound body weight and now I compete in USA cycling competitions)


  • School Tutoring


1st Grade - 12th Grade

When I was a senior at Brophy College Preparatory I scored a 5/5 on the AP Calculus Exam. Since then, I have used math extensively in my studies for a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Law at the University of Arizona's Honors College.


1st Grade - 12th Grade

When I was a senior at Brophy College Preparatory I scored a 5/5 on the AP Calculus Exam. Since then, I have used math extensively in my studies for a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Law at the University of Arizona's Honors College.

  • University Tutoring


1st Year - 4th Year SPA 202, 251, 325, 330, 350

I have a Minor in Spanish from the University of Arizona's Honors College. I received the maximum grade of A in all classes I took, which included SPA 202, 251, 325, 330, 350.


1st Year - Postgrad HNRS 160D2, ENGL 109H

I have gotten no less than an A in any class that even remotely concerns writing, speaking or reading English. I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Philosophy from the University of Arizona. Each class for this degree involves writing a minimum 5,000 word argumentative essay.


Ben will travel up to 15km from Phoenix, Arizona to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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