Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Kingsburgh. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Life Sciences (Biology) tutorTutor in Doon Heights, Kingsburgh
Tutor in Doon Heights, Kingsburgh
11 Hours Tutored
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I am familiar with the structure and functions of the human body and it is easy for me to explain the concepts to students because a human body is a system that we are exposed to and we have unlimited access to it. It is easy to conceptualize.
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Tutor in Johannesburg, Gauteng
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22 Hours Tutored
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I understand how the subject is tested as well as how to best learn the subject. THis is a very important aspect of any subject
Tutor in Menlo Park, Pretoria
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62 Hours Tutored
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I was in the running to be the DUX at school; because of that other students looked to me to talk to them about different subjects. This was throughout my high school and I enjoyed it as well. Each group tries to beat previous groups so I wanted my mates to know their stuff well. I was the DUX btw
Tutor in Umlazi M, Umlazi
Tutor in Umlazi M, Umlazi
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I am an excellent communicator, a compassionate tutor, and love the sciences. I am currently pursuing my Master's of Sciences and would like to help others reach their goals in this field.
Tutor in Illovo North, Illovo North
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28 Hours Tutored
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The key to mastering life science is its Nature all around you and within you, that is what I will teach you and that's the best way to learn. Every chemical and physical process is interrelated, it all becomes one system and with the right method to master one, I will help you master them all.
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4688 Hours Tutored
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Life Science captivated me with its fascinating intricacies and ignited my passion for exploration. Excelling in this subject brought me immense joy and inspired me to pursue further knowledge in the captivating world of life sciences.
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2405 Hours Tutored
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Life Sciences is a great subject, and I would love to help students succeed with my tried and tested tutoring methods! I have been tutoring for several years now, and I work to highlight the essential aspects of the subject to strengthen students' understanding and overall performance.
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4388 Hours Tutored
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I achieved a distinction for this subject at Matric level and am competent in my ability to assist others in their understanding of the subject. Life Sciences is an area that needs patience and continuous practice, which I am confident in my ability to deliver.
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6136 Hours Tutored
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Passionate about biology, my goal is to inspire students' curiosity about the natural world. As a dedicated tutor, I aim to foster a deep understanding of life sciences, nurturing future scientists and contributing to a well-rounded education.
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2410 Hours Tutored
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Achieving an A simply demonstrates my willingness and eagerness to understand this subject. That being said, I have the ability to teach this subject using techniques and methods to assist different learning styles.
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