These are the Highest Quality Mathematics Tutors in Perm Gardens, Cape Town. Get Mathematics Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Mathematics tutorTutor in Perm Gardens, Cape Town
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26 Hours Tutored
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I have a passion for numbers and problem solving.
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Tutor in La Rochelle, Cape Town
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452 Hours Tutored
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As a dedicated math tutor, with 80+ hours of experience, I am skilled in fostering understanding, boosting confidence, and creating a positive learning environment. I believe in building strong fundamentals, enabling students to achieve long-term success in mathematics and their future careers.
Tutor in Tamboerskloof, Cape Town
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426 Hours Tutored
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I show different ways to solve the same problem and encourage the students to come up with their own creative ways to solve them. The more strategies and approaches that students are exposed to, the deeper their understanding of the topic becomes.
Tutor in Eerste River, Cape Town
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329 Hours Tutored
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I have tutored a countless number of learners in this subject over the past 10 years. As a result, l have developed the ability to quickly identify the need and shortcomings of every learner. I believe that patience is key and most importantly, anyone can excel in mathematics.
Tutor in Woodlands, Cape Town
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319 Hours Tutored
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I have experience in tutoring Mathematics. I am confident in my ability to break down concepts into manageable content and assist other learners to excel!
Tutor in Jagtershof, Cape Town
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595 Hours Tutored
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I studied Bcom (Mathematical Sciences). In High School I obtained 92% for Mathematics. I am able to help any learner who is struggling with the subject. I have a great understanding of the subject and therefore have a lot of tricks and tips that will be very helpful for the learner.
Tutor in Ferndale, Randburg
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399 Hours Tutored
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I am passionate about mathematics and have obtained distinctions throughout my University career. I wish to transfer this knowledge to others to assist in succeeding in the subject.
Tutor in Haasendal, Cape Town
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258 Hours Tutored
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I attended The Settlers High School (TSHS) and was able to gain experience as an academic peer tutor in Mathematics. I also founded the Mathematics Society at TSHS and have gained experience in teaching Mathematics in a fun and engaging manner.
Tutor in Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch
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227 Hours Tutored
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I have been tutoring Math during my time in school and obtained a distinction for it in Matric. I am a passionate tutor ready to tackle any challenge.
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
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334 Hours Tutored
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I had Math as a subject till Gr. 12. I really enjoyed it as well as to explain it in simple applicable ways to my peers as well as a group of younger students in my high school after school for a year and a half during my Gr. 11 and 12 year.
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